Crowntail Betta: Ultimate Guide (Care, Diet, Breeding & More)

Crowntail Betta is a popular freshwater fish that requires no introduction to the aquarium community. We constantly recommend them to intermediate-level aquarists and anyone looking to experiment with a beautiful Betta fish at home.

Even if you aren’t fond of the Betta family of freshwater fish, Crowntails’ beautiful caudal fins will leave you craving for more. For first-timers, perhaps the most challenging part of effective Crowntail Betta care will be their aggressive behavior.

So, take a look at this detailed guide to help you understand the dos and don’ts of Crowntail Betta care.

The next section discusses handy tips to simplify your fishkeeping expedition. And we will focus on important aspects like the fish’s origin, lifespan, tank size, water parameters, behavior, tank mates, breeding, and more.

Species Overview

Crowntail Bettas are a highly sought-after freshwater fish popular with many aquarists for a particular reason; beauty. Many fish lovers know them for their captivating, colorful appearance that can bring any aquarium to life.

Crowntail Bettas, also known as Betta splendens, are the most popular variety of the Siamese fighting fish, endemic to Southeast Asian regions like Thailand.

But today, they’ve spread to different parts of the globe, becoming a mainstay name in the fishkeeping community.

Category Rating
Family Osphronemidae
Color Multiple; typically red and blue
Lifespan Up to 2-3 years
Care Level Moderate to high
Behavior & Temperament Very aggressive
Compatibility Aggressive
Food and Diet Carnivores (Protein-rich foods)
Size Up to 3 inches
Tank Setup Freshwater; floating water plants
Tank Size (Minimum) 5 gallons


A typical Crowntail Betta is fashioned to live for around 2-3 years. However, we can’t guarantee that your selected species will reach the maximum lifespan in captivity because everything heavily depends on the specific tank water conditions.

Regardless of your experience level, you should always aim at providing the best possible environment to help your fish thrive and reach their optimal size at home.

That means proper tank water conditions, suitable tank mates, and a balanced diet should be atop your list of priorities.


Crowntail Bettas are just as captivating as their beautiful name would suggest. They are the true representatives of the entire Betta family, and it’s no surprise many aquarium enthusiasts simply call them Bettas.

When you first see them at a local pet store, you won’t fail to notice the long, slender bodies that are quite common with many fish of the Betta family.

Generally, their bodies tend to taper down towards their supra terminal mouths, and just like many Betta fish, they have prominent gill plates that are quite visible with an up-close look.

As one would expect, Crowntail Bettas are easily identifiable by their fins. Usually, the male fish possess large caudal fins that massively contribute to the overall body size. Similarly, they have expansive anal fins, which add to the splendor of their smooth-looking bodies.


Crowntail Bettas are a relatively smaller species, with the adult fish only measuring about 2.5 inches in full length. The largest-ever documented Crowntails measured up to 3 inches long, but such is a rare feat in captivity these days.

You would think a typical Crowntail Betta should be bigger than the standard 2-inch length, but in reality, that’s down to the stretched, free-flowing fins. This also makes the male fish appear larger than their female counterparts.

Crowntail Betta Care

Crowntail Betta fish care gives an indescribable feeling, but there’s a caveat in the form of a feisty personality.

Unfortunately, this can be intimidating to beginner-level aquarists or anyone looking to keep these fish for the first time.

Still, this is not the time to give up your dream of keeping beautiful Crowntails at home. After all, everything depends on how committed you can be to matching your fish to suitable tank water conditions.

If you get it right from the start, you can be sure to enjoy your pet fish’s company for the longest time.

So, let’s have an in-depth look at the general tank setup;

Tank Size

Would Crowntail Bettas thrive in a small bowl? Sounds like an interesting question, but it is not as straightforward as you may think.

Unfortunately, the biggest misconception about effective Crowntail Betta care surrounds the tank size. Beginner-level aquarists will look at the fish’s length and instantly conclude that they would flourish in a small bowl or vase, and that’s where their troubles begin.

Now, it’s time to discard what you might have heard about Crowntail Betta care because these are not your ordinarily small freshwater fish.

Like many Bettas, Crowntail species are active fish, and even though they won’t require a significant tank size from the onset, they need sufficient space to roam freely and bond with their tank mates if they can.

That being said, the minimum tank size for Crowntail Bettas in captivity should be 10 gallons for a single species. A 5-gallon tank is a significant option but be sure it doesn’t limit your fish’s swimming abilities at home.

On the same note, shallow tanks suit Crowntail Bettas best because of the accurate inclination to the natural environment. Remember, these fish are endemic to paddy fields and shallow rivers in Asia.

Water Parameters

The easiest way to create a thriving freshwater at any given time fish population is to mimic the natural environment. And the same applies to beautiful Crowntail Bettas.

These Bettas are fond of the warm, shallow waters with plenty of vegetation in the wild. Consequently, you should try as much as possible to stick to the following parameters;

  • Water Temperature: 76°F-80°F
  • Water Hardness: 2-5 dKH
  • pH Levels: 6.4-7.0

As usual, invest in a reliable aquarium testing kit to ensure the tank water parameters don’t go beyond the recommended values. With a suitable kit, it’s easier to monitor the tank water and make the necessary adjustments before things get out of hand.

What to Put in Their Tanks?

Setting up an ideal tank for Crowntail Bettas is not challenging. However, it always requires extra caution considering the fragile fins that readily predispose your fish to bodily injuries.

Try as much as you can to avoid sharp objects or rough surfaces that could easily damage the fish’s fins, increasing their vulnerability to specific freshwater fish diseases.

That means you should consider fine sand when introducing the substrate. Depending on your fish’s preferences, you can also opt for moderately-sized gravel or a bare tank bottom.

As expected, Crowntail Bettas thrive with enough hiding spots inside the aquarium. So, you can invest in caves and plants to provide additional security.

Speaking of live plants, many aquarists have had great success with the floating types even though the Crowntail Bettas don’t seem to have any preferences.

As a general rule of thumb, don’t go overboard with the tank decorations. As enjoyable as the experience might be, always ensure you leave the right amount of space inside the tank to enable your fish to roam freely inside their territories.

As far as the general lighting goes, Crowntail Bettas like a more subdued environment. So, you will want to reduce the lighting conditions by only using suitable equipment.

In conclusion, these fish need a properly aerated tank and robust filtration system, meaning you must purchase the right equipment beforehand.

Common Diseases

Crowntail Bettas are a hardy species for the better part of the day but can be vulnerable to common freshwater fish diseases. They are highly susceptible to common fungal, bacterial, and parasitic infections.

If you keep them in a subpar environment, they will suffer from Ich, a contagious infection preceded by rising stress levels inside the aquarium.

Ich symptoms include white spots all over the fish’s body and loss of appetite. Even though it’s easily treatable with common antibiotics, it can quickly spread to the entire community. Consequently, be sure to quarantine all the infected fish to save them from any devastating effects in the long run.

What’s more, fin rot is another common condition in a Crowntail Betta community. And just like the name suggests, it affects the fish’s beautiful fins, making them either decay with time or simply fall off.

With fin rot, the fins will automatically lose their beautiful colors or turn gray towards the edges. But just like Ich, fin rot is easily manageable with simple medications.

Finally, constipation is another bothersome issue with Crowntail Bettas, and perhaps that’s down to their small body sizes.

A constipated Crown Tail Betta will instantly become exhausted, effectively ending the one-time fun they enjoyed inside the tank. Usually, your fish should recover from it within a few days. Perhaps you will want to cut down the food intake during this period to promote a speedy recovery.

What Do Crowntail Bettas Eat?

Now, this is where it gets slightly complicated with Crowntail Betta care. Unlike most species, Crowntail Bettas can be quite selective with their meals in captivity. Besides, they have an increased risk of overeating, given their small body sizes.

And considering everything, you must pay extra attention to the fish’s feeding habits to ensure they have high-quality food in the right proportion to promote their growth.

Usually, we recommend at least 2-3 small meals every day to ensure the fish get enough nutrients at any given time.

Regarding their favorite meals in captivity, Crowntail Bettas survive off protein-rich foods like mosquito larvae, bloodworms, and brine shrimp.

But don’t restrict them to proteins alone. You can always combine the frozen and live foods to stay on the safer side of the feeding routine. In addition, these fish would greatly benefit from dry pellets.

The bottom line is to go with a diverse feeding routine every time to ensure your fish gets all the nutritional elements they need from a standard meal in captivity.

Behavior & Temperament

Don’t get it twisted. Crowntail Bettas are natural fighters in the wild and captivity. They might have small body sizes, but Crowntails never hesitate to get into a fight with potential aggressors, especially if they live in the same aquarium.

A typical day in a crowded aquarium will involve attacking, terrorizing, and even biting any perceived weaker enemy. Their highly territorial nature impedes any possibility of ever introducing new species to the same aquarium.

We can safely say Crowntail Bettas’ worst tank mates are similar-sized fish who may want to occupy the same territory. When that happens, you will see the fury of your Crowntails, completely enraged and ready to attack without warning.

Sometimes, Crowntail Bettas exhibit an uncontrollable fighting behavior, attacking even their kinds to make the tank environment simply unbearable for any peaceful fish.

At times, you can be lucky enough to keep male and female species in the same tank, but even then, long-term peaceful coexistence is never guaranteed.

Crowntail Betta Tank Mates

So, with their territorial behavior, is it even possible to find suitable tank mates for Crowntail Bettas? Surprisingly, the answer is yes!

Even though the fish’s territorial behavior may easily disqualify them from a community tank, its not entirely impossible to find new buddies if you set up the right tank size.

It’s not surprising that the most successful aquarists have always opted to keep Crowntails as the only species inside the aquarium, but you can still take the risk with the following fishes at home;

  • Fast-moving guppies
  • Cherry shrimp
  • Ghost shrimp
  • Neon tetras and other similar tetra fish
  • African dwarf frogs

Don’t assume that your Crowntail Bettas will automatically accept any new tank mate. Some specimens simply want their own space, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

All in all, it’s important to monitor the newcomer’s fish’s behavior during the first few days of their interaction and abort the mission as soon as you notice any signs of incompatibility.


Crowntail Betta breeding is possible with the right tank setup. To promote spawning, you must first design a larger tank to accommodate the mating fish.

Like many Bettas, Crowntail species are bubble nesters. So, everything begins with proper nutrition using a protein-rich diet.

Next, the male fish will be eager to create and spread their bubble clusters on the water surface. The next step depends on the female’s reaction to the preceding events. If she accepts the male’s proposal, she will release her eggs and allow him to fertilize them.

If everything goes well, the pair will transfer the eggs to the bubble nest to guarantee their safety.

With the right spawning conditions, hatching occurs in as little as two days, with the new fry ready to feed on the egg sacs as they slowly learn how to swim. It won’t be long before they are mature enough to feed on infusoria or powdered fish food.

Of course, Crowntail Bettas lack impressive parental instincts. So, you must separate them from the new fry early enough as they could easily become a late afternoon snack.

Final Thoughts

Crowntail Bettas are aggressive fighters in captivity, and the quicker you understand how to navigate their temperament, the easier it becomes to maintain a healthy community. There’s absolutely no reason to stress over Crowntail Betta care if you understand the basics.

Usually, we are reluctant to recommend them to beginner-level aquarists because of their aggression. But if you’ve read our guide to the end, you will probably want to experiment with this beautiful Betta fish at home, regardless of your experience level.

In that case, we hope you will follow our guidelines and raise a happy, thriving Crown Tail Betta community with confidence.