Veiltail Betta: Ultimate Guide (Care, Diet, Breeding & More)

Veiltail Betta is a vibrantly colored freshwater fish that’s so easy to breed. As a peaceful freshwater species with a charming personality, Veiltails need no introduction to the broader aquarium community.

They are probably the most popular fish of the Betta family that can be kept in home aquariums either alone or as part of a peaceful community.

As the name suggests, Veiltail Bettas are easily identified by their shimmery tails and beautifully colored bodies. But if you want to keep them at home, everything starts with proper mastery of the basic care guidelines.

Fortunately for beginners, this guide is specifically dedicated to Veiltail Betta care. The next paragraphs will teach you everything about these fish, including the expected lifespan for the captive-bred species, general appearance, tank size, diet, and behavior, plus additional handy tips to simplify the breeding process.

Let’s get started, then!

Species Overview

Veiltail Bettas or Betta splendens are among the highly sought-after Betta fish popular with aquarium enthusiasts from different backgrounds. They are not among the fancy types of betas but can be a beautiful addition to any aquarium with their gorgeous coloring.

Like many Bettas, Veiltails are part of the wider Osphronemidae family, known for their characteristic eye-catching appearance that stands out in any environment. You will find much value in these Bettas if you consider their low maintenance tag and impressive lifespan.

Like most Betta fish, the Veiltail Bettas are predominantly found in different parts of South East Asia. Their largest population has been discovered in specific Asian countries like Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand.

For passionate fish lovers like us, our attention is quickly drawn to the dwindling Veiltail Betta population in the wild, perhaps due to the stiff competition from the fancy Bettas like the Crowntail varieties.

Still, we think Veiltails should never miss in a peaceful community, and that’s not just because of their semi-aggressive temperament.

Their ease of breeding certainly puts them ahead of most Betta fish, and their priceless beauty only adds to their good reputation in the fishkeeping community.

Let’s just say a committed aquarist won’t fail to spot something special in a healthy Veiltail Betta community. Be it their easy-going personality, solid lifespan, or peaceful temperament.

However, it’s worth reminding that Veiltail male Betta fish can get quite aggressive at times, especially with the wrong tank mates.

But in many cases, this is nothing to worry about as it’s the males’ natural tendency to attack most fish of the same family. In any case, that’s the least you can expect from any fish belonging to the broader Siamese Fighting family.

Category Rating
Family Osphronemidae
Color Multiple; typically turquoise and bright royal blue
Lifespan Up to 5 years
Care Level Easy
Behavior & Temperament Peaceful
Compatibility Peaceful or semi-aggressive
Food and Diet Carnivores
Size Up to 3 inches
Tank Setup Freshwater; floating water plants
Tank Size (Minimum) 4 gallons


Healthy Veiltail Bettas can live for five years or even more with proper care in captivity. Intense colors, beautiful fins, and a good appetite indicate a well-maintained fish in a home setting.

Still, if you want to maximize happiness in captivity, be prepared to set up the perfect environment for your Veiltail Bettas, with suitable tank mates, a balanced diet, and high-quality tank water.

Always be vigilant enough to spot any potential indicators of freshwater fish diseases like Ich that could cut short the fish’s life. Other crucial things to pay attention to include loss of appetite, abnormal swimming patterns, and odd spots on the fish’s body.


First things first, Veiltail Bettas exist in several color forms, with the most common varieties taking on beautiful turquoise and bright royal blue coloration. You can also find the deep purple, bright yellow, orange, fire engine red, and emerald green varieties.

They have long, free-flowing tails that appear to sag towards the caudal peduncle, and are sometimes called the fish with big tails.

As you would expect with most Betta fish, the male Veiltails are the most striking of all, taking on a characteristic vibrant coloration compared to the more subdued females.

On the same note, the less conspicuous females have shorter tails and fins.

Ideally, Veiltail Bettas should maintain their juvenile colors through to adulthood. And any slight color change could indicate different things from more severe conditions like Ich to less bothersome issues like a poor diet.

Their name alone originates from the characteristic shimmery bodies perfectly complemented by the translucent scales.

Like most Bettas, the Veiltails have the iconic labyrinth organ, allowing them to breathe easily on the water surface. But don’t be mistaken. The Veiltails still depend on the gills to get enough oxygen while in water.


Veiltail Betta is a relatively smaller fish, with a mature male only ever reaching a standard length of 2.5-3 inches in captivity. The females may not even go past the 2.5-inch mark if you deprive them of basic needs like a balanced diet.

We’ve always emphasized the need to design an effective routine covering all important aspects of proper Veiltail Betta care. That entails the general tank setup, water parameters, and tank mates to help your Veintails reach the optimal sizes in captivity.

Veiltail Betta Care

In general, Veiltail Betta care is a straightforward process that sometimes, even newbie aquarists have less trouble performing. They are naturally hardy, cementing their status as one of the best freshwater fish to have at home.

Keep reading to master all the crucial steps of effective Veiltail Betta care, starting with the recommended tank size;

Tank Size

Ideally, a typical Veiltail Betta should be kept in a 4-gallon tank. The actual tank size hinges on the exact number of Betta fish at home.

But as a general guideline, always start with 4 gallons for every species before increasing the tank size as you introduce more fish to the same aquarium. In a nutshell, every newcomer to the same habitat will need an extra gallon to feel more comfortable.

Water Parameters

As for the specific water parameters, Veiltail Bettas can tolerate slightly cooler temperatures, but they prefer warmer conditions, just like their natural environments in the wild.

You can replicate the wild environment by sticking to the following parameters;

  • Water Temperature: 75°F-80°F
  • Water Hardness: 5-20 dGH
  • pH Levels: 6.5-7.5

Reduced tank water quality potentially exposes Veiltail Bettas to devastating health issues. Therefore, ensure you get the right aquarium test kit to help you monitor and control the level of contaminants inside the tank.

Uncontrollable amounts of nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia can easily shorten the fish’s lives.

What to Put in Their Tanks?

To begin with, finely-sized gravel is the substrate of choice for Veiltail Bettas in captivity. However, there’s nothing wrong with fine sand if you want to replicate the natural riverbeds and perhaps create an aesthetically appealing aquarium.

As for the remaining tank sections, consider floating plants to make your Veiltail Bettas more secure and active inside the tank. We encourage aquarium enthusiasts to stick to soft plants to limit the risks of potential injuries during swimming.

Filtration is crucial to help maintain tank cleanliness and promote the Veiltail’s health and well-being. If the tank is smaller than the recommended size, we advocate for frequent cycling of at least 25% of the water.

A weekly or biweekly schedule works perfectly to reduce contaminants and promote healthy living.

Proper lighting is essential to help maintain the colorful look of the beautiful Veiltail Bettas. Aside from that, correct lighting equipment also makes these Bettas more comfortable by guaranteeing their safety even in darkness.

Common Diseases

Having a sick fish at home is a dreaded experience, and probably the last thing you will want to think about if you keep any freshwater Bettas.

In case of a major disease outbreak, you will see your fish confused, inactive, and helpless. Sometimes, restlessness or an abnormal swimming pattern also gives the earliest indication that everything’s not right inside the tank.

As for Veiltail Bettas, they can be susceptible to a range of fungal, bacterial, and parasitic infections. And it’s only through a timely intervention that you can save them from the devastating effects of freshwater ailments and help them regain their charismatic personality in captivity.

Some of the most common illnesses associated with the Veiltails include Ich, fin rot, and dropsy. Surprisingly, all of them are linked to poor water quality.

As a vital care guideline, always watch out for any strange behavior in your fish during feeding and cleaning. And don’t hesitate to take action if you notice any exaggerated behavior.

What Do Veiltail Bettas Eat?

Veiltail Bettas are a carnivorous species both in the wild and captivity. So, you will have fairly limited food choices if you keep them at home.

Usually, these Bettas feed on small invertebrates and insects as the primary foods in the wild. So, it’s imperative to provide them with high-quality protein-rich diets to promote their growth and intense coloration. And high-quality pellets would be a great starting point.

Brine shrimp and bloodworms are excellent options, best served as one-time treats.

When feeding Veiltail Bettas, you will want to do everything to overcome the risks of overfeeding. That’s avoidable by sticking to two to four meals every day that they should complete in 2-3 minutes.

Behavior & Temperament

Contrary to many people’s opinions, Betta fish are a peaceful species that only want their space inside the aquarium. They can be terrifying at times, especially to fellow species, but that’s not serious enough to classify them as aggressive fish.

As for the Veiltail varieties, they are one of the most peaceful species you will ever keep at home. Some aquarists have even claimed that Veiltails are intelligent enough to recognize their owners, given their tail-wiggling habits in the presence of the aquarist.

Like any species, the male Veiltails are known for their uncontrollable aggression when their territories are invaded. The male species spend much of their time fighting each other when kept together in the same tank, with every fish keen to establish and protect his territory.

Sometimes, you may be forced to keep the male fish singly in their tank to control their aggression.

Veiltail Betta Tank Mates

Veiltail Bettas are awesome community members and happy to coexist with other peaceful or semi-aggressive fish of similar size. Generally, these species have a wide-ranging list of suitable tank mates and can cohabitate with most of your favorite fish without causing lots of squabbles inside the tank.

But just like most Bettas, never keep more than one male Veiltails in the same habitat. That’s the genesis of aggressive behavior that most likely ends in multiple injuries or rising stress levels inside the tank.

Veiltail female Betta fish appear more peaceful than the males and increasing their number inside the tank limits aggressive tendencies.

Usually, the Veil Tail fish tend to mark their territories if introduced to a new tank. That’s why they are best kept in an already established tank as part of a wider community.

What’s more, it’s unwise to keep the Veiltail Bettas together with aggressive species or those with free-flowing fins. Interestingly, though, they can coexist peacefully with freshwater aquarium snails, shrimps, and bottom-dwelling fish.

To conclude, a few poplar tank mates for the Veiltail Bettas are listed below;

  • Guppies
  • Ghost Shrimp
  • Kuhli Loaches
  • Cory Fish


Veiltail Betta breeding is possible in captivity. In fact, breeding these fish is easier than many people think, and everything should run smoothly as long as you have ideal tank water conditions.

In many cases, Veil Tail fish will be ready to breed as soon as they reach six months. And the first step will be to pair up the potential mating partners in a new breeding tank during this period.

The size factor comes into play at this point because a male species can always feel threatened if the chosen female appears larger than him, casting doubt over any possibility of successful breeding.

A mature female Veiltail is easily noticeable by the conspicuous appearance, always spotting vibrant stripes with darker body coloration.

Unlike in most species, the female Veiltails will start to portray a teasing behavior to capture the male’s attention. Other mating signals from the females will include flaring her beautiful tail towards the male to send a clear message.

Of course, the male should oblige for everything to proceed smoothly. With all her beauty and kittenish behavior during the mating season, the female Veiltails are notorious for eating their eggs when no one’s watching.

So, you must be watchful during this period to ensure everything runs to successful completion. The best strategy involves securing the eggs to deny the mother any access after laying them.

Typically, the eggs will hatch after a few days if all goes well, adding beautiful family members to the fast-growing community.

Final Thoughts

Veiltail Bettas may have specific requirements for their care and maintenance, but they are one of the most interesting Betta fish to have at home. They are a low-maintenance species with a largely peaceful temperament, and in terms of value for money, they are simply unbeatable.

As usual, proper Veiltail care in captivity starts with ideal tank water conditions regardless of the size of your aquarium. For anyone willing to experiment with a small-sized, cute-looking Betta fish, the Veiltail Betta is worth every penny.

If you can follow everything you’ve read in this guide, you will have a stress-free experience keeping the colorful Veiltail Bettas at home.

Even if you are starting from scratch, here’s hoping this guide has done enough to open your eyes as far as Veiltail Betta care goes. Perhaps it’s time to get your species, and we can only hope you will have a great experience with your lovely buddies.